Yoga Therapy
for Trauma Support -Introduction
A three-session, introduction to yoga therapy for trauma recovery: healing through movement, breath and mindfulness
Are you sick and tired of being sick, exhausted, and constantly under stress?
As you know, trauma can have a pervasive and debilitating impact on all aspects of the human experience. It often lies at the root of chronic pain, sleep disturbances, nervous system dysregulation, mental health challenges, and addiction.
Recent research (long overdue) emphasizes the importance of incorporating both the bodily and emotional systems into the healing process. Talk therapy alone is often not enough.
Yoga therapy centers the body in trauma healing while offering practices that clear and rebalance the mind and spirit. It acknowledges and addresses every part of the human experience.
Perhaps you have been feeling
Excess fatigue, exhaustion, and general overwhlem
Easily triggered and defensiveUnable to sleep restfully
Hypervigilance (i.e. just waiting for the “next shoe to drop”) and fear
Unable to bounce back quickly from setbacks in your life
Periods of shutdown when you wish you could hide or isolate yourself (and maybe you do)
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.